Dan Johnson
Interim Pastor Ministries
Now Serving In
Alexandria - Minnesota

My delight is to contribute to life transformation that only happens when we meet and follow Jesus! I am energized by a shared leadership vision to equip believers in the power of the gospel... using goals, methods, and strategies to glorify God and encourage faith to grow. Biblical unity is revealed by how willingly we forgive, reconcile, communicate, solve problems, and build teams and effective systems together.
I could not have done this alone! I'm grateful for the prayers and support of many friends and extended family, and blessed by a loving wife, two daughters and their husbands, & six grandchildren! To my fun and loving family. . . may your tribe increase!

My Story
Both my wife and I trusted in Christ as Savior at early ages and our families modeled faith formation and service in the local church. Before going to seminary, I learned to share my faith in college, at work, and with neighbors. I continued to read and take classes to stir my own spiritual growth and to share with others. Inspired by seeing lives changed by the gospel, God answered our prayers to increase our impact on individuals, marriages, families, communities and world missions by going to seminary to prepare for vocational ministry.

Strengthened by an incredible faith journey, God drives my calling to vocational ministry with saving grace, gospel passion, spiritual gifts, learning experiences and with lots of gratitude. Through prayer, God's Word, and the work of the Holy Spirit, I love to equip others who also reach people here and around the world. Proven gifts in preaching, teaching, leadership, and administration. I'm devoted to life-long learning, coaching, and leading with grace and truth as the foundation of organizational and relational unity in the church.
My Education
The professors and fellow students at Columbia Biblical Seminary will always have a special place in our hearts! My professors were educators, career missionaries, experienced pastors and friends who humbly served us in and outside the classroom. Our family, friends and church families all helped prepare us for ministry, and many continue to lift us up in prayer, encourage us by their own faithful service and love for Christ, and challenge us to lifelong learning!

I believe in the power of the gospel to transform lives... the extravagant grace of our loving heavenly Father who, although we deserve only judgment for our sin, seeks and saves lost people... by having sent his only Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life, die a sacrificial death for our sin, and rise again in victory over death. He offers new and eternal life to all who will accept this free gift by faith alone in Christ alone. Through the power and indwelling of the Holy Spirit, we receive power to live and follow Jesus now and for eternity!